Common Sense
I: What is the legislative in the U.S. A.?
C: The Congress.
I: What is the British counterpart of the U. S. Congress?
C: The British Parliament is the counterpart of the U.S. Congress.
I: What does UN stand for, do you know?
C: It stands for the United Nations.
I: Where is the headquarters of UN?
C: In New York City of the United States.
I: What are the main organs of UN?
C: Its main organs are General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council, Trusteeship Council, International Court of Justice and Secretariat.
I: Do you know who is the present seretary-general of UN?
C: Yes, I do. The present seretary-general' is Annan.
I: Which countries are members of the European Economic Community (the European Common Market)?
C: France, Germany, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Luxemburg , Great Britain, Ireland, Denmark. Spain, Greece, Portugal , twelve countries altogether.
I: How many states are there in the U.S.A.?
C: There are fifty.
I: What's the full name of Great Britain?
C: Its full name is the United Kindom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland.
I: Who is the monarch of the United Kingdom?
C: Eiczabeth II.
I: What are the national anthems of China, America and Britain respectively?
C: The Chinese national anthem is "The March of the Volunteers". The American national anthem is "The Star-Span-gled Banner", The British national anthem is "God Save the Queen".
I: What are the national flags of China, America and Britain respctively?
C: The Red Flag with Five Stars is the Chinese national flag. The Stars and Stripes are the American national flag. And the British national flag is called the Union Jack.
I: Which organization in China functions as the U.S. Cogress or the British Parliament?
C: The National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China.
I: What are the two major parties in the U.S.A.?
C:' The Republican Party and the Democratic Party.